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A Conversation & Creative Retreat

retreat| Thresholds | general audience, 16/up, cost $120,

medium: art journaling with mixed media (includes art

journal book)

Are you stepping into a new threshold in your life story? Change can be full of so many

emotions—from fear of the unknown to sadness, to anticipation of a new adventure.

THRESHOLD: doorway, entrance, gateway, start, beginning, brink, verge, opening, dawn.

We are always facing something new in our lives, a transition of some sort, a change, a

decision we are facing, a new reality. So what is it that is new, unknown, beginning in this

chapter of your life story that you are about to enter, have just entered, are finding yourself

in the midst of having to face? Could be light or could be dark—thresholds can be either.

[Examples of naming a threshold: a new job, new school, loss of a job, search for my true

passion, new family member, becoming the caretaker of a family member, a season of the

empty-nest, a move to a new place, search for meaning in my life, overwhelmed by

your story is the canvas and art is the tool

take some time for “you” to be “you” and find new

perspective into your own story

those who shiver when asked to do art, will shine; and those who thrive

doing art will find a thread back to center.

busyness, search for clarity in the middle too much responsibility, beginnings of a new

special relationship, coping with the end of a relationship, dealing with a health

concern, etc.] Our life stories are constantly in motion . . . there is always a new

threshold appearing on the horizon. Be part of this creative, self-exploration journey

for adults complete with art journaling and mixed media collage, leaving with 3

beautifully finished art journaling pages. Welcome all who don’t see themselves as

creative . . . as well as all who do!

Note: alternatively description that has been used:

Where are you, and who are you in this season of life? Are you on the threshold of something new?

Change can be full of so many emotions—from fear of the unknown to sadness, to anticipation of a

new adventure. Explore and bring light to your own season of life through creativity! This “rubi

creative retreat” incorporates art journaling, mixed media work, and reflective writing, using a guided

creative process focused on your story as the canvas and collage-art as the tool, ending with a few

finished art journaling pages in your very own book to take home. You will see into your own life

STORY, gaining insight into who you are in this chapter of your story, and sparking imagination for

what might be next. We find our most authentic selves when we explore the natural tensions of

beauty and brokenness that exist in all stories. Come refresh, create, and experience transformation through art.


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