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Kids Drama

Alive Theatre Fall


Tuesdays, September 8 - December 8, 2020

Fairmount Bible Church


Alive Theatre is a safe, creative, inspirational space full of heart and humor where students get to be embraced to be themselves and build relationship with one another. At the core, I teach ensemble theatre, where we are a team, learning to work together—for each other, encouraging one another, and challenging one another. For we are image bearers of our King! This is a place to celebrate who we’ve been created to be, to dive into stories that bring life, understanding and joy to our world. I see each of my students as an individual as much as a member of our group and strive to teach them accordingly. (Also note, that this semester is a great time for students who want to just try out theatre, but don’t want to perform, to join us.) Further details on class material will be coming the first few weeks of class.




Addenbrooke Winter Drama |    One Act Play

Kids 2nd - 5th

Coming Winter 2021

Addenbrooke Grammar School Commons


This 10 week class will provide students an opportunity to experience the process of bringing a play to life! Students will be cast as a character, memorize their lines, build their specific character, help create and use props, learn stage blocking, and work as an ensemble cast to perform the play, "A Tree Called Aesop!" Parents will be responsible for costuming and help with props. On the last day of class we will have a Performance of our One Act Play for all parents and friends. 




Powderhorn Winter Drama 2 |    One Act Play

Kids 2nd - 5th

Coming Winter 2021

Powderhorn Elementary Music Room


This 10 week class will allow students to put their acting skills into action. Students will be cast as a character, memorize their lines, build their specific character, help create and use props, learn stage blocking, and work as an ensemble cast to perform a one act play! Two multi-hour dress/tech rehersals & performance included. On the last day of class we will have a Performance of our One Act Play for all parents and friends. 




Bear Creek Winter Drama 2 |  
 One Act Play

Kids 3rd - 8th

Coming Winter 2021

Bear Creek Music Room


This 10 week class will allow students to put their acting skills into action. Students will be cast as a character, memorize their lines, build their specific character, help create and use props, learn stage blocking, and work as an ensemble cast to perform a one act play! Two multi-hour dress/tech rehersals & performance included. On the last day of class we will have a Performance of our One Act Play for all parents and friends. 


Registration is FULL!

Powderhorn Fall Drama 1 | Acting and Improvisation

Kids 2nd - 5th

Coming Fall 2021

Powderhorn Elementary Music Room


Whether you love to act or want to try it out for the first time, prepare for lots of fun and learning in the dramatic arts during this 7 week class. Students will create and learn through theatre games, acting techniques, improvisation, and storytelling. This drama class will be a ton of fun on all levels giving students a wide variety of opportunities to perform, explore the art of activing, develop their skills, and gain confidence both on stage and off stage. Our class will become an ensemble of theatre artists who will truly grow in the art of acting. This really is for kids who LOVE drama! On the last day of class we will host a "Shareformance" for all parents & friends.




Bear Creek Fall Drama 1 |   Acting and Improvisation

Kids 3rd - 8th

Coming Fall 2021

Bear Creek Music Room


Whether you love to act or want to try it out for the first time, prepare for lots of fun and learning in the dramatic arts during this 7 week class. Students will create and learn through theatre games, acting techniques, improvisation, and storytelling. This drama class will be a ton of fun on all levels giving students a wide variety of opportunities to perform, explore the art of activing, develop their skills, and gain confidence both on stage and off stage. Our class will become an ensemble of theatre artists who will truly grow in the art of acting. This really is for kids who LOVE drama! On the last day of class we will host a "Shareformance" for all parents & friends.

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